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Test Grading and Results

What grade is required to pass the test?

The test is made up of nine sections. You must pass each section in order to pass the test. A score of 100% is not required, but how many questions can be missed varies between sections. The exact percentage to pass each section is not public.

What happens if I fail any section of the test?

You must receive a passing score on all sections of the test. Failing any section will result in a failing grade for the test as a whole.

What results will I receive?

Upon completion of your test, you will receive an email that shows which sections, if any, you did not pass. This will give you guidance on which topics you need to study before your next attempt at taking the test. It is highly recommended to use the Study Guide to review any sections that were not passed.

Can I see exactly which questions I missed?

No. Each test is made up of a random set of questions from a larger test pool, so you are unlikely to see the same questions if you should retake the test. Therefore, providing you with the exact questions you met would not likely be a useful study tool. In addition, we do not disclose which questions were answered incorrectly as an anti-cheating measure.

If I fail, do I have to take the entire test again, or can I just retake those sections I missed?

You will need to retake the entire test on each attempt. Retaking individual sections is not possible.

I received several questions that required short answers or required copying and pasting answers. I’m concerned that I might have been marked incorrect because of the way I worded the answer, or what I copied and pasted.

We have a robust system in place for these types of questions, and after extensive internal testing we are confident that any reasonably correct answer will be accepted by the test system. If you have concerns about your test please email: