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Practice Test Prompts

These are examples of prompts that would appear in the project development portion of the test. You will have to satisfy all the requirements set out in the text of the prompt in order for a prompt to be considered correct. Review the prompts and work through prompts you are not familiar with.

In addition to restoring an Ignition Gateway Backup you will have to restore a database backup using one of two common databases: MySQL or MSSQL. There are guides in the Ignition User Manual that cover how to install and connect to free versions of both database options. Many of the prompts on the test will involve working with database data.

These practice prompts do not require restoring any backups. They are simplified to demonstrate what type of requirements you can expect on the Gold Certification Test. The actual test will be longer with more rigorous prompts.

Practice Test

Gateway Setup

1. Install the latest version of Ignition.


For the Gold Certification Test you will need to create a user with access to the Gateway Config Permissions Webpage upon a Gateway Restore. Taking into account that database connections will not necessarily work on a Gateway restore.

2. Ensure you have installed one of the database options linked above: MySQL or MSSQL.


For the Gold Certification Test you will restore a database backup which will include tables pre-configured to work as an Ignition Database User Source. The test will require you to connect to that database.

3. For this practice test, create the following table in the database you plan to connect to.

  • Table Name : Devices


4. Back in the Gateway Webpage, connect to the database.

5. For this practice test, add a User Source of the Database type; add the following users and roles:

UsernameRole(s)Contact Info
SokkaManagerEmail: {any email}
KataraOperatorEmail: {any email}
  • For this practice test you do not need to send real emails, so any email works for these users.
  • While you may use any password that you will remember during the practice test, the real test requires a specific password.

6. Create a new project that will include Vision and Perspective resources.

  • Configure the security on the project so that users can access both visualization options.

Tag Configuration


For the Gold Certification Test, each of the devices in the database table corresponds to a set of tagsconnected to the OPC-UA server, the test will require you to create a UDT Definition that can dynamically represent each of the devices from the OPC-UA server.

For this practice test we are instead including instructions to create some simple dynamic UDTs with memory and expression tags.

7. Create a UDT definition to dynamically represent the devices from the database. The UDT parameter and names of the UDT instances will align with the ID column in the Devices table in the database.

  • UDT Definition

    • UDT Definition Name : Mold
    • Parameter Name : ID
      • Parameter Type : Integer
    • Memory Tag
      • Name : Status
      • Data Type : Integer
      • Default Value : 0
    • Expression Tag
      • Name : Level
      • Data Type : Float
      • Expression : getSecond(now()) * {ID}

8. Create 3 instances of your UDT with the names: Mold 1, Mold 2, and Mold 3.

  • To review, the Mold UDT instances have a Status tag that can be changed, and a Level tag that is ramping over time. The Level tag for each mold tag should be showing different, changing values.

9. Enable Tag History for the UDT member tags and store to your Gateway's database connection.


10. Configure alarms on the UDT member tags.

  1. Create an alarm that goes active when the Level tag reaching the value 50 or higher.
  2. Create an alarm that goes active when the Status tag is equal to 2.

11. Configure the system to send Alarm Notifications.

  • Users want to be emailed when an alarm is triggered, but they have specific requirements on who to email and when.

    • For the Status alarm, you are required to record extra logging when a Mold causes a Status alarm notification. You will need the Notification Pipeline to log the name of the device, as it is found in the database, in Ignition’s Gateway Diagnostics Logs page when the notification occurs.
    • Users with the Manager Role only want to receive email notifications after everyone else has been notified and given time to respond. Managers want an email notification after 5 minutes have passed if an alarm is still active.
    • You can use the “Test Mode” setting on the Notification Block to verify your work.

Visualization - Vision

12. Create two Vision Windows that open on startup:

  • One Docked Window that allows users to navigate to any Main Window using a method of your choosing.
  • One Main Window that will act as the home page.

13. Create a Vision Template that can dynamically represent any of the Mold devices:

  • On the template show the name of the Mold UDT Instance tag, and show the value stored in the Name Column in the database.
  • Add components that allow users to view the values of the Status and Level tags.
  • If there is an active alarm on either of the Mold’s tags, an image should appear on the template that is equally alarming. If there is no active alarm the image should not be visible.

14. On the Main Window you created, add a way to view any number of Mold templates.

15. Add a new table to the database that will allow users to write notes and store them in that table.

  • Create a button on the Main Window that opens a Popup Window.
  • The Popup Window should include a way to see the information of previous notes, and a method to add additional notes.
  • When adding notes the username of whoever is logged in should be included somewhere.

16. Add a new Report to the project for displaying historical information.

  • The report should allow users to provide a start and end date range to pull out data.
  • The report should contain Tag History information for each Mold, including information for both tags.
  • The report should show each Mold in order and include the Mold as it appears in the database. For each Mold the Level Tag History should be displayed in a chart. While the Status tag history is displayed in a table.

17. Add a new Main Window to Vision that allows users to view the Report and control the time range it displays.

18. Test your project in a Vision Client.

Visualization - Perspective

19. Now do it in Perspective!

20. Create a landing page View using a Flex Root Container and the default Page URL.

21. Create a Docked View that is always visible, like a header, and allows users to navigate between any created Pages. Use any navigation method at your disposal.

22. Create a reusable View to display the data for any given Mold like the Vision Template made earlier. This View should have a Flex Root Container.

  • The template view should behave exactly like the Vision Template: show tag values, both names, and an image when an alarm is active.
  • In addition, the View should allow the users to write to the Status tag as well as read it.
  • The components in the View should grow and shrink with the Perspective Session size.

23. In the initial landing page View, add a component to dynamically display any number of the template views.


  • The View should display all of the notes from the database added earlier in the Vision instructions.
  • There should be a way for users to add more notes, and again the username of whoever is logged in should be included somewhere when they submit a note.
  • Additionally, there should be a way for users to delete a note of their choosing.

25. Only users who have Authenticated, and logged in, should be allowed to access the Perspective project.

26. Test your project in a Perspective Session.