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Practice Test Questions

These are examples of questions like those you will find on the test. This is a self-test, the correct answers are also provided here in this document. There are two questions in each topic. Go through and read each question and record your answer. At the end of each topic there is a dropdown element that says "Click to show this section's answers." You may use these to check your answers.

This section is also good practice for the real test because it requires you to restore an Ignition Gateway Backup and connect to a SQLite database. This is an action you will be taking upon beginning each new section of the certification test, but here you may go through these actions at your leisure without any time constraints.

Before beginning on this practice test, please follow the instructions below. These instructions are slightly different than what you will encounter on the real test, but the steps are virtually identical.

Restore Test Gateway Backup

You must download the test files and restore the provided Core Test Gateway, which some questions will reference. This backup may be updated periodically so it is important to download this at the time you take this practice test. This practice test can be completed using the free Trial Period of Ignition, available for download at any time at:

The Gateway Backup contains multiple Projects, all with multiple, similar resources. The Ignition project resources and the settings in the Gateway are all intentionally set and configured to specific values. Settings should not be changed unless the instructions ask you to do so. If you are unable to complete a question because of changes you have made to the Gateway or a Project, you can restore the Gateway backup again by going through the same instructions below.

The test files include a Gateway backup (.gwbk) and a SQLite Data Base File (.db). The Gateway backup has three database connections created in it named: DBA, DBB, and DBC. The DBA and DBC connections will need to be set up, while DBB’s connection will already be setup and configured in the backup. Instructions for restoring the Gateway backup and configuring the DBA and DBC database connections are:

  1. Install the latest version of Ignition. You must use the Standard Edition and the default (typical) modules.

  2. Restore the "Core Certification.gwbk" Gateway backup test file on the Ignition Gateway setup in Step 1. The Ignition User Manual page for restoring a Gateway Backup can be found here.

  3. The login for the gateway is:

    • Username: admin

    • Password: password

  4. Place the "certificateA.db" SQLite test file in a location on your Ignition server’s host file system that is accessible to Ignition. We recommend using the same directory that Ignition was installed in. For example, on a Windows Operating System (OS), a valid file path might be: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\certificationA.db

  5. In the Gateway Webpage, edit the "DBA" Database Connection and configure it so that the connection is targeting an appropriate Connect URL based on the file path you set up in Step 4.

  6. Enable the "DBA" connection and save to update the settings.

  7. "DBC" will automatically create the appropriate .db file once a valid Connect URL is saved. Depending on what operating system Ignition is running on complete the following step:

    • If your Gateway is not running on a Windows OS: you must edit the "DBC" Connection and configure the Connect URL to be a valid path for your OS.

    • If your Gateway is running on a Windows OS: you must confirm that the Connect URL path for "DBC" is a valid location to create the SQLite file in your file system, otherwise update it to an appropriate path.

  8. Once the connections are enabled. You can confirm that the Databases are connected from the designer's Database Query Browser tool. The databases "DBA" and "DBC" will have tables that you can see within the Database Query Browser.

Practice Test

Ignition Platform / Gateway Basics

  1. What are different types of backups that can be taken in Ignition?

    (Select all that apply.)

a. Gateway Backup
b. Database Backup
c. Project Export
d. Vision Window Export
e. Project Library Export

  1. What mechanism allows a Gateway to communicate with another Gateway in a Gateway Network, even though the two Gateways may not have a direct connection?

a. Passthrough Network
b. Gateway Hopping
c. Proxying
d. Multiple Connected Interface
e. Unified Network Architecture

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  1. a. Gateway Backup and
    c. Project Export

  1. c. Proxying


  1. The Multi-State Button has two separate properties for value.

    What are their names?


  1. A Popup Window cannot overlap with a Docked Window?

a. True
b. False

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  1. Any combination of
    Control Value or controlValue
    Indicator Value or indicatorValue
    Seperated by commas, order does not matter.

  1. b. False


  1. If a component was bound to an integer tag and we wanted to transform that numeric value into a color, what are possible transforms we could use?

    (Select all that apply.)

a. Script Transform
b. Expression Transform
c. Format Transform
d. Map Transform
e. Style Transform

  1. In the "MetroCityTransit" project, what is the Page URL for the page that uses "Page/Maintenance Schedule" as the Primary View?


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  1. a. Script Transform,
    b. Expression Transform, and
    d. Map Transform

  1. /fix-it-itinerary


  1. Create an OPC Tag in the "SiteA" Tag Provider with the following OPC item path: "ns=1;s=[Plant1]Overview/Pallet Wrapper/Pattern".

    Once created, right-click on the Tag, copy its JSON and paste it below as your solution.


  1. Match the following Tag values to their data type.

"How now brown cow."

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  1. {/n"valueSource": "opc","opcItemPath": "ns\u003d1;s\u003d[Plant1]Overview/Pallet Wrapper/Pattern", "name": "New Tag","tagType": "AtomicTag","opcServer": "Ignition OPC UA Server"}

  1. "How now brown cow." 🠚 String
    3.14159265359 🠚 Float
    112258 🠚 Integer


  1. In the "MetroCityTransit" project, which users do not have permissions to open the "Popups/Completed Workorders" Window?

    (Select all that apply.)

a. wade
b. jason
c. jane
d. arthur
e. chris

  1. It is not possible to configure permissions in such a way that a user has access to a Vision Client but not the Perspective Session in the same project.

a. True
b. False

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  1. a. wade,
    d. arthur, and
    e. chris

  1. b. False


  1. Which of the following scripts will return the names of the reports in the "MetroCityTransit" project, as a list.

a."Metro City Transit")

  1. Where is it possible to view a report after it has been executed?

    (Select all that apply.)

a. Designer
b. Vision Client
c. Perspective Session
d. An email
e. As a PDF saved on disk

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  1. d."MetroCityTransit")

  1. All of the options are correct.

Tag History

  1. What Tag data type is not supported by the Tag History system?

a. String
b. Dataset
c. Boolean
d. Integer
e. Double

  1. Users have noticed that the "[Site A]Machine 1/Amps" is not storing data to the "DBA" database.


a. Incorrectly configured deadband
b. Tag is not changing frequently enough to store to the database
c. No storage provider is set
d. Tag History not enabled
e. The historical tag group being used is too slow

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  1. b. Dataset

  1. c. No storage provider is set

Transaction Groups

  1. Which of the following will happen last in a Transaction Group’s Execution Cycle?

a. Check if there is a Trigger that is active
b. Check if the Transaction Group is paused
c. Evaluate run-always Items
d. Evaluate Triggered Expression Items
e. Timer determines if the Transaction Group needs to evaluate

  1. Which components can display data stored by a Transaction Group?

    (Select all that apply.)

a. Table
b. Text Field
c. Power Chart
d. Timer
e. Equipment Schedule

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  1. d. Evaluate Triggered Expression Items

  1. a. Table,
    b. Text Field,
    c. Power Chart, and
    e. Equipment Schedule


  1. How long are alarm records kept in the "Maintenance" Alarm Journal Profile?

a. 5 days
b. 1 year
c. 2 weeks
d. 6 months
e. 1 week

  1. Navigate to the "Page/Alarms" view inside the "MetroCityTransit" project. The Alarm Status Table in this view should show an active alarm event with a Display Path "Line Stopped" Display Path.

    Paste the complete tag path for the tag triggering this alarm below.


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  1. a. 5 days

  1. {[Site A]_GenSim_SiteA_/Writeable/WriteableBoolean1